venerdì 4 novembre 2022

Letto Montessoriano Grande


 Il nostro primo letto “reversibile” ,  trasformabile da un letto basso (h.20 cm) in un letto ad altezza normale, semplicemente girandolo sottosopra! Senza fatica ne modificare nulla.
Il letto Reverso è prodotto nelle dimensioni 200x90/120/140. Tutto in massello di faggio e abete, un grande  letto basso Montessori dove i bambini piu piccoli potranno entrare e uscire in assoluta sicurezza, ma c'è anche posto per amici, fratelli, mamma e papà...
In più,  le due testate del letto hanno una fodera paracolpi imbottita, in cotone non trattato, con molte tasche per libri, giochi o altro.
Qui lo potete vedere: Letti Montessori Grandi

Letto Montessori Grande Reverso

giovedì 27 maggio 2021

venerdì 31 agosto 2018

Letto Montessori

L'educazione Montessori è fondamentalmente un modello di sviluppo umano e un approccio educativo basato su quel modello. Il modello ha due principi di base. Innanzitutto, i bambini e gli adulti in via di sviluppo si impegnano nell'auto-costruzione psicologica attraverso l'interazione con i loro ambienti. Secondo, i bambini, specialmente sotto i sei anni, hanno un percorso innato di sviluppo psicologico. Sulla base delle sue osservazioni, Montessori credeva che i bambini che sono liberi di scegliere e agire liberamente in un ambiente preparato secondo il suo modello agirebbero spontaneamente per uno sviluppo ottimale.

Montessori vide caratteristiche universali e innate nella psicologia umana che suo figlio e collaboratore Mario Montessori identificarono come "tendenze umane" nel 1957. C'è un dibattito sull'elenco esatto, ma i seguenti sono chiaramente identificati: [5]

Manipolazione (dell'ambiente)
Lavoro (anche descritto come "attività mirata")
Nell'approccio Montessori, queste tendenze umane sono viste come un comportamento alla guida in ogni fase dello sviluppo e l'educazione dovrebbe rispondere e facilitare la loro espressione.

L'educazione Montessori comporta un'attività gratuita all'interno di un "ambiente preparato", che significa un ambiente educativo su misura per le caratteristiche umane di base, per le caratteristiche specifiche dei bambini di età diverse e per le singole personalità di ciascun bambino. [6] La funzione dell'ambiente è quella di aiutare e consentire al bambino di sviluppare l'indipendenza in tutte le aree secondo le sue direttive psicologiche interiori. Oltre ad offrire l'accesso ai materiali Montessori adeguati all'età dei bambini, l'ambiente dovrebbe presentare le seguenti caratteristiche: [7]: 263-280

Un accordo che facilita il movimento e l'attività
Bellezza e armonia, pulizia dell'ambiente
Costruzione in proporzione al bambino e alle sue esigenze
Limitazione dei materiali, in modo che sia incluso solo il materiale che supporta lo sviluppo del bambino.

giovedì 17 aprile 2014

Montessori concepts

 After seeing the Montessori method of education and pedagogical skills of its author , it is interesting to see how we can move directly from theory to practice, in other words the construction of a Montessori environment to your home , as well as the best known in the school environment .The peculiarity of a Montessori environment is the freedom in which the child moves and breathes, the activities will be characterized by spontaneity .

In Baby room Montessori method will create an environment suitable for children , with small chairs , small tables , safe and stable material, and floor beds, wall heights to be reached with ease from child to choose their own games .The walls should be delicate colors such as pastel colors perfect , family photos brighten the room and increase the sense of belonging and recognition in a well-known model .Also ideal flowers and plants , so if there is a balcony or a terrace which overlooks the baby's room , do it to make it as pleasant as possible , with the green colored and fragrant ; the same may also apply in the bedroom.As for pets, their presence is usually positive , strengthens the relationship between the " puppies " , empowers the child for everything related to the care , the " take care of " and stimulates the ability to relate to a being which, not being able to speak , it should be understood in other ways : it has a positive effect on the availability and sensitivity of mind.

Montessori Child Room

The Montessori argued that if the child is empowered is absolutely capable of taking care of things , games and other little creatures , you need only give him the opportunity and especially the opportunity , thus creating an environment favorable from this point of view and as appropriate as its need for growth. The self-control of the error stimulates the child in the moment in which, due to its own inattention, something breaks to avoid repeating the same behavior the next time, this is part of a correct learning .  
The environment will help him to move in a more self- disciplined and attentive and at the same time .Baby room baby's room Montessori method, exist and are simple games , such as small frames in which the child learns to tie , to bind and then dissolve , as is done for example when he is taught to tie their shoes. 
Get help also to lay the table is extremely educational and effective , brush their own small shoes, to look after their health , but also that of your bedroom , it is interesting to see how the kids have fun with such a small broom and dustpan in a small rearrange their space , or dust on their furniture . It is of little practical work in their environment that empowers them through a play / work , however, suitable to their age. 
Do not try to do all the jobs you because you make them better, is so certain that you will touch and go over where the children have already " clean" , but show them your trust and always acknowledge their commitment : you will definitely pay off ! 
The Montessori called these exercises of practical life activities and in fact it makes just a good idea : she claimed that she promoted not by what was to be called the Montessori method , but natural method , because in fact it is of course what a child should do without some charges .The space will then give you a chance to be enjoyed in a free and certainly more secure, but with the peculiarity to achieve through simple games gradual autonomy of the child, the future man .

martedì 11 marzo 2014

Montessori floor bed on Pinterest

Dr. Montessori believed in the importance of a beautiful, simple and orderly environment. With little decoration, very accessible and clear to avoid overwhelming the child's sensory perceptions tones. Everything has to be adapted and designed for the baby, from start to crawl, it is perfectly capable of moving through space without the help of an adult.
One of the most important aspects to consider is the bed. Ideally you are at ground level so that the baby can come and go by itself as soon as it is ready to crawl without mourn or cry for help. Typical cribs with bars do not allow the acquisition of this level of independence. This is consistent with the idea that freedom of movement is crucial to a child's development. If the family is an advocate of co-sleeping, low bed can be used for naps.

Montessori floor bed on Pinterest

Montessori floor bed by Woodly

domenica 26 gennaio 2014

Woodly Crafts Gorgeous Cradles & Montessori Floor Beds for Green Babies & Kids



Woodly Crafts Gorgeous Cradles & Montessori Floor Beds for Green Babies & Kids

 Choosing the perfect crib for your baby can be a challenge given all of the options now available, from hammocks and co-sleepers to cribs galore. Since a newborn will be spending a large portion of his life sleeping, it’s important to find a piece of furniture that is free of toxic chemicals, comfortable, and as environmentally friendly as possible. Italian-based company, Woodly crafts beautiful hanging cradles, cribs, and Montessori floor beds from PEFC-certified wood, toxin free varnishes and glues, and natural textiles. For every piece that is purchased, Woodly will plant a tree with the child’s name which can be monitored through a personal webpage.
Based in the hills of Parma, Woodly takes their commitment to sustainability very seriously. All of the wood they use is certified as ethically harvested, and water-based glues, beeswax, and paints keep their pieces free of dangerous fumes. Their facility uses electricity from 100 percent renewable sources and has been renovated to achieve maximum efficiency standards.
They currently offer three designs for their line of baby furniture. The Roll is s suspended cradle that allows the bed to gently swing. Four cotton ropes attached to a ring allow for easy setup, and once outgrown can be converted as storage for the child’s room. The Pluma cradle consists of a soft bed mounted on strong wooden legs. Its mattress is made from cotton and spelt husks for comfortable and chemical-free rest. The Montessori cot for older children rests on the floor and resembles a hand-crafted race car. Easy to climb in and out of, the bed is great for nap time or play.
All of Woodly’s furniture is available for order on their official website. Prices range from about $529-$732. Harkening back to the days of fine craftsmanship and quality materials, the company strives to make long-lasting and multi-purpose furnishings that can be handed down through generations instead of tossed into the landfill.